Monday, September 22, 2008

When I read the Student Profile Survey I really liked the words used, however I don't think 1st graders would understand "great at planning". I would use something like great at organizing a game or great at turning in my homework. I would try to use words on their level.
I really liked the Attitudes & Interests survey on Blackboard. We used something similar in our Field assignment in West Valley this past Spring. It surprised when we administered this to the students. I would have never guessed what some of these students were interested in. I'm using this assessement in my classroom.


Teacherheart said...

Super idea for modifying the "planning" part of that inventory! How might you determine readiness levels of first graders, in order to differentiate? Did you find any ideas that you could adapt?

Apryl Beck said...

I would probably do the spelling inventory and then pick a "just right" book for the child to start with. I also would ask questions about the text to see if they had comprehension skills.